"You know, I've been climbing trees all my life, but not trees near overhead lines. 'Cause if you touch one of those lines, or your weight makes a branch touch one of those lines, that electricity will come straight to you. And that can hurt. It may even kill you. And climbing utility poles is really dumb. So, remember, always look up before climbing, and stay out of trees near overhead lines."
That PSA used to run on Saturday mornings on one of the Topeka TV stations. It was obviously quite effective, since I can still quote it, verbatim, thirty years later.
That PSA used to run on Saturday mornings on one of the Topeka TV stations. It was obviously quite effective, since I can still quote it, verbatim, thirty years later.
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I've spend much of my adult life searching for that exact PSA. How will my kids ever learn tree climbing safety?
I just finished reciting those exact lines and have been for 25 years....thought i was the only one.
You are a little off on the words...
Billy Smith
Tree Climbing Expert
"I've been climbing trees all my life, but not trees near overhead lines. 'Cause if you touch one of those lines, or your weight makes a branch touch one of those lines, that electricity can come right to you... And that can hurt. It may even kill you. And climbing utility poles is really dumb. So, remember, always look up before climbing, and please stay out of trees that are near overhead lines."
3rd time is a charm. Here is is...verbatim.
"I've been climbing trees all my life, but not trees that are near overhead lines. 'Cause if you touch one of those lines, or your weight makes a branch touch a line, that electricity can come right to you... And that can hurt. It may even kill you. And climbing utility poles is really dumb. So, remember, always look up before climbing, and please stay out of trees that are near overhead lines."
I decided to film the Billy Smith, Tree Climbing Expert PSA myself.
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